Tag Archives: entertainment

if you’re tired you take a napa, you don’t MOVE to napa

14 May

I don’t care what decade we’re in or how many years it’s been off the air, I will always find “Sex and the City” to be relevant to our culture. Every day, new women (and men, I won’t leave you kids out) are discovering the show, relating to the storylines, and realizing that they are one of four women: a Carrie, a Charlotte, a Samantha, or a Miranda. Personally, I am a Miranda. I am cynical as fuck, we kind of treat men similarly, and we’re very sarcastic (you guys probably couldn’t pick up on that). I feel like most people have a mix of all of the women in them (despite how much you don’t want to be a Charlotte or a Carrie. Really, it’s how much I don’t want to be a Charlotte or a Carrie. Emphasis on Carrie), but there’s one whose storylines and dialogue really resonates with how you see yourself and you assume others see you.

Judging based on outfits alone, I'm definitely a Miranda. But I long to be a Carrie.

Judging based on outfits alone, I’m definitely a Miranda. But I long to be a Carrie.

It hasn’t happened in real life (yet), but on my OkCupid I make it a point to say that I’m a feminist because I wear that title PROUD, but then I list “Sex and the City” under my favorite shows, and I get called out. There will be a never-ending argument about if the show goes against feminism or if it’s helping out the cause. My stance on the show is that it is about four, strong female leads, two of which are independent (you can guess which two I find to be more independent), have firm careers, and are sexually liberated. However, I know that the show relies mostly on the relationship aspect, as it is called “SEX” and the city. Also, the women can come off as rather pathetic at times when dealing with the men in their lives and a lot of the times, the show makes it seem that having a relationship is the end-all in life. I think it walks a fine line of telling you to love yourself and love your friends, but more often than not, Carrie and Charlotte are complaining that they’re lonely and need to be in relationships. I guess that’s the point of the show though, as many women feel the same way and allow relationships to define their lives, so these characters are more relatable to them. However, in an ideal feminist sitcom, the women would have relationships, but it wouldn’t be the death of them if the relationships didn’t work out because we shouldn’t rely on a man to make us happy. That’s probably the most stereotypical feminist thing I can think to say. Regardless of anyone’s take on it, I just love the stupid show, despite wanting to punch Carrie in the face the majority of the time she’s on the screen.

Because 86 pearl necklaces at once simply aren't enough.

Because 86 pearl necklaces at once simply aren’t enough.

Yes, this post is about Carrie. Not just Carrie really, because I’d probably hang myself from my ceiling fan with my finest Chanel scarf (see what I did there? I don’t own a Chanel scarf, I’m trying to write like Carrie), but more about the age old debate that fans will always be on separate sides of the fence about: Big or Aidan. Yes. That’s what this is about. The show went off the year a decade ago, but I’m going to weigh in now, in 2013, with my thoughts about Carrie’s two biggest loves. And I will insult her other boyfriends along the way, don’t worry.

So. There’s lots to say here. Let’s make fun of her other boyfriends first. I’d say Carrie’s big four boyfriends are Big, Aidan, Berger, and the Russian, who absolutely does not deserve to be referred to by a real name because he is horrible in every sense of the word. I say that these are her big four because she dated each of them for more than two episodes and she also said “I love you” to all of them. So, let’s do this. The Russian, as I said, is horrible. He’s pretentious, has a very odd sense of humor, and Carrie is just extremely annoying with him. I think a lot of why I hate the Russian is because I hate how Carrie acts with the him. He’s naturally a romantic and Carrie can’t handle it because she’s a fucking idiot. Like she faints because he wants to dance with her to a string orchestra. Like excuse me? No. That’s a BIT dramatic, you moron. Also, he takes her to Paris, she went by choice not by force, and she is miserable the whole time. I get that she’s away from her friends and he is distracted because he has a big art show coming up, but Carrie, you’re in fucking Paris. I’ve been to Paris before, it’s amazing. NEVER complain if you’re in Paris. Also, you knew he’d be busy, HE MOVED THERE BECAUSE HE HAS AN ART SHOW. Guy’s gotta work, not everyone needs to be at your whim 24/7.

Hottest picture I could find.

Hottest picture I could find.

Right, then there’s Berger. I’m someone who originally loved Berger, I thought he had great potential. He was funny, a writer, cute. THE TOTAL PACKAGE, AMIRITE LADIEZ? Anyway, he goes completely insane when he’s dropped by his publisher and then takes it out on Carrie. Carrie does do this annoying thing where she points out a character in his book shouldn’t be wearing a scrunchie. While I’m actually not annoyed at Carrie for doing that, really (she is, after all, a writer and she was giving him her opinion after a rave review of the book), I’m more annoyed at Carrie because I fucking despise when I’ve already done something and people tell me I should have done something differently. Like, sorry, excuse me, can I go back in time and fix that? No? Fuck you then. But yeah, Berger goes bat shit and breaks up with Carrie on a post-it note and that’s one of the best storylines on television ever, it’s actually almost perfect to me. Carrie deserves that.

Berger is unfortunately the reason why "He's Just Not That Into You" was created. And that's unforgivable.

Berger is unfortunately the reason why “He’s Just Not That Into You” was created. And that’s unforgivable.

So now the big two. Here we go. It seems so clear cut, really. Big is a complete asshole who fucked with Carrie for multiple years and was reluctant to ever commit to her, while Aidan is (inexplicably) in love with Carrie, wants to marry her, and is a total cutie (season four, never season three. That hair is inexcusable).  Therefore, most people think Aidan is the better choice for Carrie and are angry that she ends up with Big. I agree with half of that, Aidan is a much better man. But that’s not the point here. While Aidan is a better person, he is not, in the end, the man that Carrie wanted to be with. Carrie seemed to get off on her twisted relationship with Big. She wouldn’t have gone back to him so many times if she didn’t. There was something there, the chase, perhaps, that brought her back time and again. That was never really the case with Aidan, and Carrie never seemed to ever be content while she was with him.

Like seriously, that hair?

Like seriously, that hair?

For example, when Carrie and Aidan first date in season three, she has extreme issues with meeting his parents, becoming serious with him, quitting smoking for him, etc. There is an episode dedicated to the fact that she’s freaking out about their relationship because there’s nothing wrong with it. It keeps her up at night. I’d have to say there’s something wrong with you if you have a problem with not having a problem in your relationship (I was that person once, it’s no way to live). Carrie could never just accept the relationship and move on. Also, from the description I gave above, it seemed like Carrie had to do a lot of changing to be the person she thought Aidan wanted her to be, and one should never compromise oneself. Except maybe if you’re Carrie, it would probably be best for the world to get a complete personality transplant. Then, there is the biggest problem in their relationship, the fact that Carrie has an extended affair (I say extended because it lasted about three episodes) with Big, her ex, while dating Aidan. My biggest problem with the affair is that Carrie seemed to not give a shit about Aidan’s feelings in all of it. Every time she was mad at herself for what she was doing, it was because Big was married and had a wife and he was cheating on her. Never once did Carrie say, “oh right, I have a boyfriend I supposedly love”. She just wanted to keep Aidan around because she knew she could. And then once they broke up and got back together in season four, their entire relationship was problematic because Aidan (rightfully) couldn’t trust Carrie, they wanted to lead separate lives (i.e. the episode where she wants to go clubbing and Aidan would rather be a hillbilly with his dog in a pair of tighty whities), and she threw up when she found the engagement ring he bought her. Like, none of these things scream “YOU TWO SHOULD BE IN A RELATIONSHIP” to me. Once engaged, despite the fact that Carrie didn’t even seem to want to marry Aidan and that she’s an idiot, she has physical reactions to the idea of marriage and they call the whole thing off. Essentially every episode with Aidan in it while him and Carrie are dating are about the problems in their relationship. They could never just be happy and enjoying one another, something HAD to be wrong (this probably has to do with the fact that Carrie is an insane drama queen).

Not understanding that caption, but Aidan and Carrie were hillbillies. Aidan is the king of the hillbillies.

Not understanding that caption, but Aidan and Carrie were hillbillies. Aidan is the king of the hillbillies.

So now, Big. Big is an asshole, I’ve already said that. He strung Carrie along, messed with her head. We’ve all been there (maybe just me, whatever, eff you guys), and we know it’s completely unhealthy. However, we also know there is something about it that keeps you in it, despite how mentally and emotionally draining the situation is. Even after all of the shit the two of them went through after dating and after their affair, Carrie and Big decide to be friends still, they hang out, have long, late night phone calls. It’s really painfully obvious during the show they’re going to end up together, he wouldn’t have been kept around otherwise. It’s the same way I feel about Miranda and Steve, but we’re not talking about them (BECAUSE THEY’RE PERFECT. JK I just love Steve). Carrie is the kind of person who needs to have drama in her life and in her relationships. She didn’t get that FROM Aidan, so she needed to create it in her head to satisfy her sick need. However, she got more than her fill from Big, and that’s exactly what she desired. That’s my main point in all of this: Carrie wanted that messed up, dramatic relationship. As perfect as Aidan may seem on paper, he was never what Carrie wanted. In my opinion, Aidan deserved far better than Carrie, and I will not even get into discussing their fucked up storyline in the second movie (the second movie is sheer proof that some people just want to watch the world burn). It might seem crazy, but that’s just how some people are. They thrive off of dramatic situations, it’s how they feel alive, and I personally think it’s dumb (no offense to the zero people reading this, although I feel I’ve insulted everyone enough at this point that you should take no stock in what I say).

Her hair is so big because it's full of secrets. But also, you look like a fucking moron.

Her hair is so big because it’s full of secrets. But also, you look like a fucking moron.

To sum up, yet again, my thoughts lay in this: Aidan was the better man, but Big was the better man for Carrie. That’s who she was ultimately supposed to end up with, because that is the kind of man she was looking for, despite how emotionally sick he made her feel. That’s just Carrie’s character, and we were unfortunately fed that character and her depressing fashion choices for six seasons. I try to enjoy the show despite Carrie, that’s really how I get through it. But yes, these are my thoughts on this really relevant subject, and I hope everyone (no one) feels free to agree or disagree.

This pretty accurately sums up my hatred for Carrie...

This pretty accurately sums up my hatred for Carrie…

Also, I feel this isn’t brought up enough, but Aidan was corny as fuck. I mean, Carrie is too, her weekly column is effing ridiculous (as is her lifestyle that her weekly column SOMEHOW supports, I won’t even get into that bullshit, I’m still mad about it), some of the shit she spews out is down-right stomach-churning for how corny it is, but Aidan was corny in a different way. He seemed more genuinely corny because he actually said a lot of really cliché statements aloud, to Carrie, in public. They all embarrassed me. So like maybe in that way they made sense together, but ultimately, their mutual affection for corniness wasn’t enough to make their relationship work. Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes, it hurts instead.

Generally, it hurts instead. Stay strong, turtle doves.

This is my vision of true love <3

This is my vision of true love ❤

in defense of ross geller: a very special episode

19 Apr

I recently read an article on Buzzfeed entitled “35 Reasons Why Ross Geller is the Worst”. Now, as an avid “Friends” viewer (I could probably quote episodes in full to you, possibly verbatim, and I’m not ashamed of that. NO TEA NO SHADE, HUNTIES), I have had my fair share of struggle with Ross Geller throughout the years. Anyone who watches the show probably has. But, what I think happened with the person who wrote this article is that they were dwelling too much on the Ross of yesteryear (aka Ross seasons 1-4), as opposed to the incredible Ross of the later seasons. I have to assume that this is what they were doing, otherwise I’m afraid I might crumble and fall to pieces. I love Ross Geller.

Gross. Season 1 Ross. Just looking at him is the worst.

Gross. Season 1 Ross. Just looking at him is the worst.

You see, boys and ghouls, for anyone who somehow does not know, Ross is an extremely annoying character in seasons 1-4, emphasis on seasons 1, 2, and 3. He was whiny, annoying, self-obsessed, heterosexist, and frustratingly always thinking he was right. There were episodes dealing with essentially all of these issues. Getting together with Rachel did make Ross a more likable and bearable character, but then came the episodes I hate to watch. I am talking about when Rachel meets Mark and he gets her the job at Bloomingdales. Ross’s insane jealousy of Mark is out of control. YES, technically he was correct that Mark wanted to sleep with Rachel, but that isn’t the point. The point is that he was immediately jealous of this new character and apparently didn’t have enough faith in Rachel to get over it, seemingly not knowing that Rachel would never do anything with Mark to jeopardize her relationship with Ross.

Then there’s the debate that the show twisted in later seasons, “were they or were they not on a break”. I cannot stress this enough: the original question that broke up Ross and Rachel was not if they were on a break or not. They were on a break, we all know this. The problem was that Ross slept with that copy shop girl (who, by the way, was not as hot as the male characters on the show made her out to be, sorry I’m not sorry) on the same night that him and Rachel broke up, after he had gotten mad at Rachel for being in the same room as Mark (must note, Rachel never slept with Mark. C’mon Ross), and then tried to cover his tracks so Rachel would never find out about what had happened. In my opinion, Ross is entirely in the wrong. We technically can’t consider this cheating (no one stab me for saying that, I watch “Sex and the City”, I’ve heard of their “cheating curve”), but my real problem is that Ross was not giving a shit about Rachel’s job that she loved and was trying to take seriously, because he was out of control jealous of Mark. It’s a problem that he slept with someone immediately after him and Rachel simply went on a break, before actually discussing with her if it was a break up. The show changes the issue to the ongoing joke of “we were on a break”, when really, that has nothing to do with it. We all know they were on a break, but we don’t know for a fact if Ross was in the wrong for his actions (I think he was, the break up has nothing to do with Mark, but Ross’s insane insecurity and lack of being able to get over his jealousy).

But yeah, there’s my rant about Ross seasons 1-3, really. He gets better in season 4. I assume it’s because they added the character of Emily and everyone looks good in comparison to her. She really sucked. However, it’s season 5 that I began to fall in love with Ross.

Best thing this schmuck could have ever done for himself.

Best thing this schmuck could have ever done for himself was saying the wrong name.

After him and Emily break up (“good riddance to bad rubbish”, all of America collectively thought at the same exact moment), Ross goes insane. And it is hysterical. The after-Thanksgiving sandwich that Ross’s boss eats and then Ross freaks out about, leading him to have to take a sabbatical. Ross’s “rage”. The leather pants he wears that turn into his “paste pants”. Trying to get a couch upstairs and continuously yelling “PIVOT” at Chandler and Rachel when there was clearly no room to pivot. Marrying Rachel in Vegas and then lying to her about getting an annulment. Getting divorced. Again. When he bleaches his teeth that glow in the dark because he is overly excited for an upcoming date. The dance routine he does with his sister for New Year’s that they made up when they were in high school. The Holiday armadillo, Santa’s half-Jewish friend (absolutely genius). Dating Mona (who might be worse than Emily, that’s my opinion) and forgetting about her all of the time. When he’s upset about Rachel and Joey dating (but really, we were all upset about Rachel and Joey dating, that was a dark time), and he got drunk, made an impromptu speech about love, claimed he was “FINE” and then shouted, “MY FAJITAS!”. When Chandler claims that Ross died on their alumni website and Ross decides to stage a memorial service to see who shows up. When he eats too much maple candy and wants to steal the contents of everything in his hotel room. And I will leave you with the mental image of Ross getting a tan, but only getting sprayed on his front side, so he’s completely white all down his back.

Why tease you with the mental image when I have the actual image right here? Plus, now we're all in the know about who plays the tanning salon guy. We're all the wiser for this.

Why tease you with the mental image when I have the actual image right here? Plus, now we’re all in the know about who plays the tanning salon guy. We’re all the wiser for this.

It wouldn't be right to not give you the holiday armadillo.

It wouldn’t be right to not give you the holiday armadillo.

You got yourself a pair of paste pants.

You got yourself a pair of paste pants.

Ross Geller in the 80's: Every woman's dream.

Ross Geller in the 80’s: Every woman’s dream.

"Who has a black light?! It's 1999!"

“Who has a black light?! It’s 1999!”

As a final treat, here's just a really nice picture of Ross.

As a final treat, here’s just a really nice picture of Ross.

The writer of the Buzzfeed article tries to pretend these moments weren’t endearing, but really, they make Ross amazing. Most of the gifs this columnist added were from some of Ross’s best moments. The writers spent a lot of time focusing on the storylines of other characters and then giving Ross these ridiculous subplots that were automatically the main source of comedy, for me at least. If I had to choose any character to watch a show about just living his or her day-to-day life, it would be Ross. For him, a mundane task like getting the newspaper would be turned into an entertaining adventure. Whoever wrote the Buzzfeed article must have been watching a different show from me, because Ross goes from (probably everyone’s) least favorite to one of the best characters on “Friends”. The writers decided just to make him more of a joke as a character in general. He’s still whiny, but he’s whiny in a funny way, such as when he yells “MAJOR SHAMPOO EXPLOSION” after stolen toiletries explode in his luggage, and then asks God, “why do bad things happen to good people?” Ross makes a complete 180 and easily becomes one of the funniest characters.

And I really have to give kudos to David Schwimmer here, because his line delivery in all of his scenes is absolutely amazing. He knows exactly when to shout certain words, when there should be extra emphasis on different syllables, and he is damn entertaining at acting drunk. So I don’t care what you say, Buzzfeed. Ross Geller is absolutely anything BUT the worst.

The worst goes to Monica. SORRY, I’M NOT SORRY. I SAID IT. We were all thinking it. Let’s move on.

Oh and if anything, we should all be able to appreciate Ross for his hair in season 5 alone. It is out of control and it is amazing.

Such a luscious mane of crazy hair.

Such a luscious mane of crazy hair.

So, as a send-off for the end of this post, here are some YouTube videos of Ross Geller’s finest moments. I think we can all learn a lesson or six from Ross on how we can truly live, and I probably quote all of his one liners on a daily basis. Goodbye, and may the odds be ever in your favor, darling.

I’ll be honest, I didn’t actually watch any of those videos. They’re probably all the same moments overlapping, but I frankly do not care. I can’t get enough dinosaurs! Or Ross Geller (season 5 on, of course).

Ross Geller: A god amongst mortals.

Ross Geller: A god amongst mortals.

a clever title about the irony of a show called “the real world”

26 Mar

For some reason, a new season of “The Real World” begins on Wednesday, and for another reason unkown to me, they are filming in Portland. Why? Just why? Well, whatever the reason, in honor of this occasion, MTV made the incredible decision to air older seasons of “The Real World” over this past weekend. On Saturday, there was a marathon of the original “Real World Las Vegas” from 2002 and on Sunday, they aired “Real World San Francisco” from 1994. MTV did a pretty solid job of fucking up any chance of productivity I was going to have. I spent literally over an hour arguing with myself if I was going to work out because I really wanted to watch Vegas and I don’t have cable in the room I work out in. In case you’re wondering, television shockingly won out, and I stayed confined to my bed for as long as humanly possible, basking in the glory of the early 00’s drama and straight up astounding wardrobe choices (so many bandanas and terribly fitted and designed pants).

Seriously. Those pants.

Seriously. Those pants.

People, no one, whoever I am addressing who could possibly reading this blog (but I find that highly doubtful), I cannot even begin to explain to you how different “The Real World” is now from how it used to be. It’s as if it’s an entirely different show. I actually think they should give it a new name, since the world on the show now clearly does not depict real life (yeah, I went there. You knew it was coming, and there it is. The irony of the name). Even from the two seasons I watched, the shows were different. It had to evolve (unfortunately really) over time, and this marathon just showed me how asinine and degenerate both the casts and show itself have become.

“The Real World Las Vegas” was actually the first season of the show I ever watched. I was 12 and absolutely should have not been watching the show. I had no place there. I had no idea what a three-way was and it occurred like three episodes in. I was in for a world that I would not understand for years to come. Or even now, really. Irulan, my favorite, was in an open relationship. Not to undermine anyone in an open relationship, but I don’t get that shit. Either commit or break up, don’t keep it open ended. That’s just being greedy as fuck. But, it left room for her to engage in the romance of a lifetime with Alton and not feel too guilty about it (they didn’t have the romance of a lifetime, I just like to idolize their relationship in my head because they were so cute together). This group of people was all about drinking, getting wasted, having sex, etc etc, what we’ve come to know (and hate) about the show in recent years, but unlike what I’ve seen recently, the show did try to actually deal with other issues. Pretty much every cast member had a deep dark past that was explored. Three of the female roommates had eating disorders, one of the male roommates had been molested when he was younger and was homophobic because of it, another roommate’s mother died when she was 14 and she never felt like her father thought she was good enough. Along with this, there was drama other than who was hooking up with whom on the show, such as Trishelle thinking she might be pregnant. That shit right there got real. No other season recently has dealt with anything like that, I think, or at least not seriously (I’m not the best authority on this because my interest in the show has waned over the past few repetitive years). Alton’s ex-girlfriend before coming on the show thought she might be pregnant. Everyone thought they were pregnant apparently. I feel like in recent seasons also, there is a cast member that everyone bands together to hate, or they don’t all genuinely like one another, but I feel like this cast actually did bond and grow to love one another, despite their problems. Also, their outfits were hilarious. The early 00’s were a terrible time to be alive and wear clothes. I know from experience. That was the height of my ugliness. But the original Vegas season just had a different feel from it than the newer ones. Aside from Brynn throwing a fork at Steven (hysterical, he had frosted tips), the housemates weren’t getting into fights with each other or anyone else every single night. The house didn’t get destroyed. They still had to go to their jobs and work. They had to pay their bills still and had money problems. The show was just a lot less surface than it is now.

I unfortunately couldn't find any worthwhile pictures of their outfits :(

I unfortunately couldn’t find anymore worthwhile pictures of their outfits 😦

Now, turning to an even different show, the 1994 season in San Francisco was literally like nothing I’d seen. I had never watched the season before, but had known about it because it was famous for housemates Puck and Pedro. Puck was a dick and got kicked out of the house because of his disrespect of pretty much everyone, but mostly Pedro, who was HIV positive. Pedro actually died months after the show aired and it’s incredible to me now that his story could have been documented in such a way, especially in the early 90’s, where although the stigma of HIV as a “gay disease” was wearing off, it was also very prevalent still. You’d think that since we’ve evolved as a society (I guess, we’re at least supposed to think that) since ’94, the show would portray someone like Pedro today. But really, I don’t think that’s what the show is about anymore. On this season of “The Real World”, the housemates literally carried on with their every day lives, but lived in a house together. Some of the housemates were students and still had to go to class, they had to go to their jobs that they already had, they had fun days out at the park, or roller blading and riding their bikes. They went rock climbing, Puck’s replacement, Jo, had to go to court because she had a restraining order on her ex-husband. It was literally people living their real lives, but just in a shared environment with new people. They weren’t just there to get drunk and have random hookups with people. These people were there to have an actual life altering experience for the better. My friend Amanda was texting me during the marathon and she pointed out that a difference between the ’94 cast and the cast of today is that these people actually had dreams and ambitions and were going about furthering their fulfillment. The casts of today don’t have those same desires, it seems. Sure we get our “wants to be a public activist” or “wants to catapult their career in music/entertainment industry” every once in a while, but really, the people on the show are there to be assholes for a few months on MTV’s dime. It’s just crazy how the show has changed. Another difference is that to be on the show now, it seems like the cast members have to have amazing bodies and be particularly good looking (by MTV’s standards. I could point out some uggos for you, though). On San Francisco, everyone was just a regular looking person. They weren’t all models thrown in a house together; they were average joes just living their lives. And there was something so incredible about watching that.

So. Much. Denim.

So. Much. Denim.

Watching the older seasons made me sad that our culture has advanced (or declined, really) in the way that it has. Obviously, “The Real World” was revolutionary and the first show of its kind at its time. They had license to do what they wanted and not have to worry about competition from other networks, so it was possible to create an amazing season about the social issues it covered in the earlier seasons. However, over time, as other stations created other shows to compete, MTV had to push the risk-factor, had to include more sexuality, drinking, and drama. This was apparent in the late 90’s and early 00’s, as Vegas was definitely a different season from San Francisco, but still, it had some heart. You didn’t immediately hate all of the housemates. They may have had their off moments, but there was something to like about everyone that lived in the house. Now, it seems the more unlikable a person is, the more likely they are to be cast for the show. The more likely they are to cause drama, have random sex, steal someone’s boyfriend or girlfriend, not give a fuck about repercussions, start fights, get black out, go to jail, etc, the more likely they are to be first in the house. It just makes me sad. Every season there’s a housemate who doesn’t really get that much air time, and it’s because they are the least dramatic and therefore, the most likable as a human being. They are also probably the most likely to do something beneficial for the world (in my opinion, who knows really). If you’re not going to be a mess the entire time, you’re not going to be recognized as a cast mate.

So this retro rewind to the glory days of “The Real World” did not get me excited to watch the new season of the show. Instead, it made me nostalgic for how it used to be, and I wish there was a station that only aired old seasons of the show. That’s what MTV should really consider doing instead of whatever the hell it’s doing now. It’s also just upsetting that the show has changed the way it has also represents our culture changing in the same ways. We are in such a sad, disparate, drinking, regressive culture. We’re not moving forward anymore. For every step forward of social activism there is, there’s twenty steps back from girls who say they’d let Chris Brown punch them if he kissed them after, or from guys who still think that it’s funny to make jokes about sexual abuse against women. I feel like we should be learning and we need to be learning, but instead, we’re being fed garbage. We’ve seen what “The Real World” is capable of with seasons like San Francisco, yet we’re stuck with the Neanderthals in the current seasons instead. And unfortunately, as much as I’d love to see a season like San Francisco happen again, I know it wouldn’t stand a chance surviving in our current market. That’s just sad to think about. I may sound like a hypocrite because I’m unfortunately living the life of some of the current “Real World” casts (I enjoy the occasional beer or sixteen), but as I was maturing and growing up, that’s how the seasons were evolving. The show has probably shaped me in ways I didn’t even realize, and now, this is where I am, when instead, maybe I could have been a doctor like Pam from San Francisco (that’s how life works, don’t argue this logic, “The Real World” decided who I am as a person now).

This is all the show is now. And it's making me jealous that I'm not in a hot tub drinking right now. I blame "The Real World" for all of my problems.

This is all the show is now. And it’s making me jealous that I’m not in a hot tub drinking right now. I blame “The Real World” for all of my problems.

love means never having to say you’re sorry

23 Mar

Since I’m bored and feel the need to procrastinate before doing anything (the case today is that I know I need to work out, but I just discovered that a “Real World” marathon of the first season of Las Vegas is on, and that’s the first season I ever watched so I HAVE to watch it again now), I’ve decided to read through my old posts on this blog. I want to send out a formal and sincere apology to anyone who actually reads this and has read my older posts through my newer ones. I apologize because reading these old posts, I see that I was much better at writing about a month ago and also had much more personality while writing. Not sure what’s happened to me in the past month or so, but my last four posts were pretty poorly written and poorly researched, and I was kind of just rambling, which is what I always do, but I was not nearly as endearing while rambling as I usually am (I guess that’s what happens when you sloppily write four posts on completely different subjects in less than an hour). I think that it’s because all I am passionate about right now is drag queens and “RuPaul’s Drag Race”, but I know there’s only a limited amount of posts I can write on the subject before people start to ignore me entirely. Sad, but I feel that’s true.

So this is my cassette I’m sending out, I hope you hear it. Wait, sorry, just thought I was Stan in the Eminem smash hit “Stan” for a second. But seriously, sorry for the lackluster writing on my part. Guess I’m lucky that no one reads this poor excuse for a blog, otherwise I’d have some pretty pissed off followers on my hand.

I solemnly promise to try to get out of the funk I’ve been in so I can return to the self-depricating but so wonderfully adorable blogger I once was. Take this as a token of my sincerity:

Now you KNOW I mean business.

Now you KNOW I mean business.

friends forever, but ditch the dweeb

21 Mar

I was recently looking at a list of characters on tv shows that “we all secretly wished would get together” (I can’t find the link for it, so I apologize to the zero people reading this, and you can feel free to sue me). While I agreed with many of the selections, one pairing stood out to me that made me sick. That pairing was Screech Powers and Lisa Turtle from “Saved by the Bell”. Seeing this pair put on that list made me sad and also allowed me to lose what little bit of faith I had in this world.

Lisa hates EVERYTHING about the idea of her and Screech as a couple. EVERYTHING.

Lisa hates EVERYTHING about the idea of her and Screech as a couple. EVERYTHING.

I think one of my least favorite characters to ever be created is Screech from “Saved By the Bell”. I just find that he never adds anything but annoyance to a situation, and his character is perpetually stupid and unbelievable. Obviously, “Saved By the Bell” wasn’t wasting any time trying to be realistic, but I don’t care. No one would ever hang out with Screech, and DEFINITELY not the crew on the show. Those kids were cool, they were athletes and models and had a band. Those kids would never in a million years give Screech the time a day. And even if they did at the beginning because Screech was friends with Zack when he was younger, they would very quickly grow out of being his friend and start ignoring his annoying ass. They probably spent more time being pissed off at Screech about some stupid shit he did than they spent actually enjoying his company. What was there to enjoy? He sounded and looked stupid and always found a way to mess literally everything up (don’t care if I’m using “literally” in a hyperbolic sense here, it’s almost a true statement).

Oh my god I want to cause him bodily harm.

Oh my god I want to cause him bodily harm.

What demon created you?

What demon created you?

Seriously, he does not belong with this group of hotties. That random old guy makes more sense hanging out with them than Screech does.

Seriously, he does not belong with this group of hotties. That random old guy makes more sense hanging out with them than Screech does.

Now, let’s talk about Lisa Turtle. Lisa was entirely underappreciated on the show. She was on a list of annoying characters on some website I was looking at (can’t find that link either, you can all suck it), and I don’t understand how she made the list but Screech didn’t. Lisa was a fashionista, she was cute, and she always had all the hot gossip. However, this girl did not get her dues. She was always paired off with Screech, despite her disdain for him. She always got the shaft, while Kelly and Jessie were off hooking up with Zack and Slater. I don’t understand why. Obviously, Kelly was a babe and Jessie had that glamazon thing going on despite her horrible wardrobe, but Lisa was a total package and none of these guys ever realized it. I just felt bad for her.

Girl knows how to look GOOD.

Girl knows how to look GOOD.

I guess Jessie needed more attention from guys because she had that crippling caffeine pill addiction that one time.

I guess Jessie needed more attention from guys because she had that crippling caffeine pill addiction that one time.

There was one episode in like the last season where Lisa and Zack make out, but that romance fades before it even begins, and it’s just unfair. The two of them totally should have gotten together for real. She deserved it. Zack was a fox and she was a high-class woman. Lisa Turtle didn’t need to be thrown to the side at every turn and be stuck going as Screech’s date to the movies or to the dance. You can tell that Lisa more than anyone didn’t even want to be Screech’s friend, and I think she should have gotten her way and just stopped hanging out with him. It was almost forceful the way she had to hang out with him, she didn’t even pretend to enjoy his company. And I love that about Lisa. A girl after my own heart.

The good ol' day. Singular. One day.

The good ol’ day. Singular. One day.

More than I love Lisa Turtle, I just really hate Screech. I don’t watch the show as often as I once did (I was watching for two hours every day like two months ago), but I will never lose my hatred for Screech. He was probably genuinely funny one time on the entirety of the show. There was an episode of “Saved By the Bell: The College Years” (I’ve seen every episode multiple times for some reason), in which he steals a girl away from Zack. Excuse me? We’re supposed to believe that would happen? Not only is Zack foxy as shit AND a smooth motherfucker, but Screech is awkward and consistently obnoxious. WHO WOULD WANT THAT IN THEIR LIFE?  Not me, that’s for damn sure. There was an episode of the original show where Kelly thought she had feelings for Screech, and that really just embarrassed me more than anything. Poor girl, all mixed up. So embarrassing. Thankfully she came to her right mind and obviously ends up with Zack, but that was a really terrifying lapse in judgment for that one episode. There’s almost no coming back from that.

I don't think it's even possible to compare these two, they're essentially different species.

I don’t think it’s even possible to compare these two, they’re essentially different species.

Ultimately, Lisa should have gotten shown more respect by the writers and by her friends and Screech should have been kept at a far distance from her (and everyone, really) at all times. Preferably underground. What I’m saying is Screech should have been killed off. That would have solved everyone’s problem. Or mostly mine, but really, I’m selfish and I should get what I want, no questions asked. I really don’t think the show would have changed in any possible way if Screech was no longer there, except maybe we’d have less episodes with entirely asinine storylines devoted to him. The world would really be a better place today if that could have just happened.

A little bit tighter there, Zack...

A little bit tighter there, Zack…

the rise and fall of “girls”

21 Mar

WARNING: Spoilerz ahead!!!

When “Girls” premiered last year, I was immediately on board. From the first preview of the show, I knew I needed to see it and that I was going to fall in love with it. I was correct; I did love the show and watched all of the episodes multiple times. Obviously, the show drew connections to “Sex and the City” before it even premiered, as they are both based around four white women in New York. However, as someone who loves “Sex and the City” but gets extremely angry whenever Carrie’s lifestyle isn’t explained and she’s somehow not always on the brink of bankruptcy, I was interested in seeing how “Girls” would tackle living in New York more realistically.

Sorry, totally irrelevant, but I just need to remind people that Carrie Bradshaw once wore this outfit.

Sorry, totally irrelevant, but I just need to remind people that Carrie Bradshaw once wore this outfit.

The show did not disappoint in the first season. Aside from one or two episodes (aka when Hannah went home, I just didn’t get it or like it, and then the entire season finale which just didn’t make sense to me), I was hooked and dying for January so the show would come back for the second season. I wanted to know what was going to happen with these four women who were surely going to be going through a myriad of changes in their lives.

The good ol' days.

The good ol’ days.

Well, I had high hopes for the second season, but they all went to shit. I found myself increasingly angry with Hannah as a character, wondering where Jessa was, wanting Marnie to stop existing because everything she did made me uncomfortable, and wishing that more had happened in the episodes, because seriously, not much was happening in these episodes. There were only a total of two out of the ten episodes this past season of “Girls” that I actually liked, and I feel that’s never a good thing. Where last season I found Hannah funnier and more relatable, I found myself thinking that Lena Dunham was making it her personal mission to make Hannah as unlikable as possible. The episode where Hannah stayed with that doctor she had just met for the entire weekend solidified my hatred for her. I just did not want the show to revolve around his character, but I knew that I was stuck having to deal with that. I hate that they decided to give Hannah OCD with three episodes left in the season. I understand that OCD can go away and come back depending on life stress situations, but really? No mention of it AT ALL? And then all of a sudden, it’s this huge deal? Like, no. That just made Hannah more annoying. Add another annoying quirk to her already loathsome character. Also, Hannah puncturing her eardrum with the q-tip and then doing it again knowingly to the other ear made me physically ill, I just hated every moment of that experience.

Season 1 Hannah: totally relatable

Season 1 Hannah: totally relatable

What bothers me also is that Hannah went from being relatable to just being flat out pathetic. You can tell that Hannah thinks she is incredible, despite what she had said about herself in the first season, and it’s just frustrating. I did not need to see her yelling at Marnie that Marnie is the bad friend because she had sex with Hannah’s gay ex-boyfriend. Like excuse me? Your gay ex-boyfriend? Really? (Also, I hated that storyline in general because that just does not happen in real life, gay men do not just randomly hook up with straight women because they’re both attractive). That was pathetic of her. Hannah is no prized friend herself. And when she told that doctor man that she is “too sensitive” and “too not crazy”, I wanted to tear my eyes out. Hannah does this thing where she is pathetic and annoying and so extraordinarily needy, and then when she is finally called out, such as in the last episode in which that junkie downstairs yelled at her for having terrible insides and being a horrible person, it didn’t matter and she didn’t need to learn anything from his words, because she ultimately got what she wanted. And the show became a Meg Ryan movie for like five minutes, which was just not up my alley.

What also bothered me this season is that every man Hannah came across just wanted to make out with her or have sex with her. I am aware that Lena Dunham faces a lot of criticism about the way she looks, and that is not what I am commenting on here. I don’t have an issue with the way Hannah looks, aside from thinking that she dresses very unflatteringly. My problem here is that not every guy you meet is just going to want to have sex with your or make out with you. That just does not happen. Sometimes, a guy will just say “no, I would not like to make out with you”, and that is that. Life moves on. It’s just so frustrating to me, and it literally happened like four or five episodes in a row for Hannah. That is just not life.

My favorite characters on the show are Shoshana and Jessa, because I find them both hilarious. However, Jessa was almost non-existent this season. I understand that Jemima Kirke was pregnant, but I really just missed her. Also, we finally got an episode where Jessa shows her vulnerability, after breaking up with her husband, and then that is taken away from us. If anything, I would love an episode devoted to Jessa that looks into her further. And I’m not talking about the episode where she visits her father and Hannah randomly fucks her 19 year old step-brother or whatever relation he is to Jessa (for no reason whatsoever. But why wouldn’t that happen?). I mean a real episode, where we learn more about Jessa. We got an episode this season revolved around one character, but that was unfortunately Hannah. And it was my least favorite half hour of television to ever exist. Lena Dunham owes me back 28 minutes of my life.

This is what Jessa's step-brother or whatever he is looks like. Who wouldn't fuck him because of that turtleneck alone?

This is what Jessa’s step-brother or whatever he is looks like. Who wouldn’t fuck him because of that turtleneck alone?

I love Shoshana but her hairstyles were just making me upset the entire season. However, ignoring her hairstyles, I loved the development of hers and Ray’s relationship; their admittance of “I love you” to one another was tear-jerkingly adorable. However, that was taken away from us when Shoshana made out with a doorman for essentially no reason. I understand people cheat, but this was just out of line and out of character for Shoshana. It’s like Lena Dunham knows that Shoshana is a fan favorite, so she has to go out of her way to make Shoshana dislikable, as she did with Hannah. It’s just extremely frustrating to watch.







I don’t even want to get started on Marnie because I think she is legitimately insane. Also, she had some funky hair this season that I wasn’t too keen of and Allison Williams’ acting abilities are questionable. I don’t even understand if Marnie and Hannah know each other anymore, they don’t even interact. That bothers me, I want to watch the show to see the interactions between the four girls, and this season just didn’t allow that. Luckily, I gained a new appreciation for the men on the show, so that’s at least one positive. But mostly, the second season of “Girls” was, for me, underwhelming and left a lot to be desired.

But I will say that Hannah’s bangs in the last episode were ridiculous, so at least we got to witness that.



just the deadliest snatch

21 Mar

If there is one thing I am more sick of than knowing about the fact that Rihanna is back in a “committed” relationship with her abuser, Chris Brown, it’s the fact that I read about their relationship on a daily basis. My nemesis, Perez Hilton, is continuously updating the public on what is happening between the two, and also what is happening between Chris Brown and other women, because apparently there are multiple women dumb enough to be interested in that piece of shit.

When I think about their relationship, I continuously lose respect for Rihanna and I just hate Chris Brown more and more, if that is even possible. I have thankfully never been in a situation where I have been domestically abused, so I know that I cannot possibly know what happens to one’s psyche after an experience like that, but I just can’t help but get mad when I think about the fact that Rihanna would be with someone and continue to love someone who seriously almost killed her. Not only that, but he brags that he will always “own” Rihanna because she is “sexy as fuck”. That’s really respectful, definitely seems like a person you’d want to be involved with.

Chris Brown is really just the shit under my shoe to me. I do not think that he is talented, so I don’t understand why he keeps getting any recognition from the music industry. His career should absolutely be dead. Instead, Rihanna’s career is going to suffer more than his, because she’s the one who took him back. How about we just shun him so we never have to hear him speak or look at him again? He’s a second-rate Usher, not as talented, and he can dance, but that doesn’t make me want to listen to his music, which sounds like everything else out there today. And do not get me started on the tweets he sent to comedian Jenny Johnson. While she clearly came out on top, he just showed the world YET AGAIN, that he is still a misogynistic piece of shit who has learned nothing from what he’s done. I just have absolutely no respect for someone as lowly as that. Chris Brown is just like a bratty child who thinks he can do whatever he wants and there will be no repercussions for his actions. Based off of his sentencing or whatever for attacking Rihanna, which was really minimal, I’d have to say that unfortunately seems to be true. Stupid little shit gets to go on being a dick and continues getting everything he wants and then some more. It’s disgusting.

But, what I really wonder about when I think about them together and knowing that Rihanna has said recently in an interview that she would like to have babies with Chris Brown, is what the fuck is she going to tell her children when they inevitably find out what daddy has done to mommy? And their union would not just be a regular, run of the mill, average mommy and daddy; they are a celebrity couple, always in the public eye. These poor children are going to know every detail of what happened between their parents, and what is Rihanna supposed to tell them about it? That mommy somehow forgave daddy for almost killing her? That daddy says misogynistic and hateful things because he’s ignorant and doesn’t know better? I don’t like the idea that people automatically make celebrities out to be role models just because they’re in the public eye because unless you’re on the Disney channel, I don’t think that should be a requirement. However, this is just ridiculous. Rihanna is basically saying that it’s all right to take back someone who almost murdered her because she loves him. That’s just terrible, that makes it seem like everything Chris Brown has done to her is all right. And then Chris Brown wants everyone to forget about what happened. Well, Chris, why don’t we think before we act and then we won’t have to continuously discuss how you’re the shittiest person to ever exist and you’re almost a murderer? It just seems like he acts and then later gets mad at people for not forgetting what he’s done. He’s just stupid.

But back to this “role model” thing. If you’re planning to have children with someone who has brutally beat you, it just seems irresponsible. It’s not like these children would be accidental at this point, so you are signing on to be their guardian and teach them right from wrong. Will Rihanna be teaching her children that what daddy did is wrong? Or will she allow them to live in the Chris Brown bubble, where they are told to forget everything he did and move on? Either way, I’m grossed out by the idea of the two of these people procreating. I’m more grossed out by the idea of Chris Brown procreating in general. One of him is more than enough. There is no need for us to have more of that mediocre hack.

Really quickly, I’d like to add that I think it’s repulsive that any celebrities have encouraged these two singers getting back together. I feel like Oprah publicly did, not in the exact words of saying “Rihanna and Chris should be together”, but she made a comment about Rihanna doing what she feels she needs to do and it’s her life or something. Just add this to the list of reasons why I hate Oprah. I also dislike that Jay Z was the one who suggested they collaborate on those shit singles “Nobody’s Business” and “Birthday Cake”. Also, I think it’s repulsive that there are girls out there who say they would let Chris Brown beat them up if he kissed them after. I am so nervous for the future generations to come, who instead of being taught about violence against women are learning to laugh and make fun of it instead. It’s just disgusting, and I can’t handle it.

So those are just some thoughts on Rihanna and Chris Brown’s unfortunate excuse for a relationship. I hate everything about it.

perez hilton, i wish i knew how to quit you

11 Feb

The website perezhilton.com apparently started in 2005, when I was fifteen years old. I never read the website when I was in high school, but I had known about it, honestly mostly because Kathy Griffin had a problem with Perez and met up with him on her show “My Life on the D-List” in order to confront him about rude things he had written about her on the site. All I knew about it from that snip-it on the show was that Perez wrote celebrity gossip, but was a dick about it. I was too busy hating everything and having a middle part at the time to care about checking out what Perez was really all about.

I didn’t start actually reading it until I got to college. By freshman year, I still hated everything (and still do to this day, bless my little soul), but I hadn’t had my middle part for a good three and a half years, so it was time for me to check out the site since I was looking for new ways to procrastinate. I really did enjoy perezhilton.com when I first started reading it. Perez was actually pretty entertaining and I loved the celebrity gossip I was getting. He was kind of a bully and a bitch, but I mostly agreed with what he was saying, so I was glad there was a place I could turn to that could fill my need to read extremely judgmental and unapologetic blogging.

However, somewhere around this time, Perez decided that he was done being a bully. From what I remember, this was because he is gay and teen suicide due to gay bashing and bullying unfortunately became extremely popular, and Perez realized that he was part of the problem, since he bullied celebs by writing about which celebrities needed to come out of the closet and referring to “celebrities” by rude nicknames, such as when he called Rachel Zoe “raisin face” and Rumer Willis “potato head Willis”. Perez was ready to turn over a new leaf, and I decided to join him for the ride, only because I still was genuinely interested in reading whatever celeb gossip he had to shell out my way.

Guys, I don’t want to sound like a dick, but I have to say it: I prefer Perez as a bully. I don’t know who the fuck he’s trying to fool now, but I hate everything about his website. There is literally too much wrong with it for me to even try to start listing. But, I will obviously write out some examples for you zero readers here, I am first and foremost a journalist (no I’m not). So here we go.

Perez thinks that he is close and personal friends with like half of the celebrities he talks about. Now, I don’t actually know Perez in real life (thank God), but I’ll have to assume that this is not true. He used to make a living (I don’t know if he actually made a living doing this, but I don’t care to look it up either) insulting 3/4 of Hollywood, so why would they want to be friends with him? The only way to keep people as your friends when you talk shit about them constantly is to do it behind their back, which Perez clearly wasn’t doing. I should know since that’s how I keep all of my friendships going. But seriously, the way he writes about celebrities, you’d think that they’re all sucking his dick on a constant basis, since he has nothing but love to send out for all of them. Well, celebrities aside from Lindsay Lohan, but really, there’s no defending Lindsay Lohan. Except that Perez tries to act like he wants her comeback to actually happen, which I think is bullshit. I think everyone loves her train wreck of a life the way it is. I think she is purely existent at this point as a beacon of hope for everyone else in the world that although life may seem bad, it will never be as bad as Lindsay Lohan’s life. Also, he acknowledges that Chris Brown is an extremely shitty person (quite possibly the shittiest person to ever exist), but he continues to write about him in articles that focus on his music or his career. Like, let’s never discuss Christ Brown unless we’re discussing what a genuinely disgusting excuse for a human being he is, rather than further perpetuating his career. I don’t even understand why he still has a career. I hate everyone who thinks he is talented. He isn’t. There will always be someone who is more talented and better at whatever it is he does than Chris Brown.

We all know my hatred for Taylor Swift, and Perez talks about her as if she’s a goddess and everything posted online about her is written by mean bullies who want to make her feel bad. Like, actually probably not, the people writing about her personal life are doing exactly what you do now still, but used to do better. They’re telling it like it is. No one but Perez seems to be making excuses for Taylor’s boy-crazy antics, and I hate it. He’s further perpetuating that she’s the virginal role model that we all need in our lives, when she’s really just slut-shaming on all women who aren’t her through her lyrics. I’m sick of her and I’m sick of Perez blowing more smoke up her ass when what she really needs is to go away and take a nap for about ten years.

I honestly think that I hate Taylor Swift and so many other celebrities so much more than I should because Perez posts about 17 articles an hour about all of them, giving all of the details of everything he has just learned about them in the last twenty minutes. I don’t need that many articles about whether Taylor dumped Harry Styles or he dumped her. Just tell me they broke up and that she’s a completely miserable mess now and I can carry on, thanks.

But sorry, my apologies, this isn’t supposed to be about my disdain for Taylor Swift, this is supposed to be about my disdain for Perez Hilton. A huge issue I have with Perez is his website in general. At this point, Perez does not do all of his own blogging, and I actually don’t even know if he does any of it anymore. He clearly has a team of people who work for him, as they always refer to him as “we” instead of “I” in articles. It’s extremely annoying and I hate it, but this brings me to my point: This is one of the worst edited websites I have ever seen in my life. I don’t think anyone who works for him knows how to spell, and I also do not think that they know proper grammar. I kind of think that no one who works for the website has a basic knowledge of the English language. I was an English major so I’m a nerd about editing. But you would think that at this point in the game, Perez would hire someone who could spell words correctly and would know when to properly insert a comma into sentences. Also, along with the editing, the articles themselves are written in the most obnoxious ways possible. Perez and his team clearly think that he is really alternative and fabulous, but really, I would have to assume he’s not. They always write things like “on Taylor Swift’s AH-MAY-ZING new album” and “ch-ch-ch-check out this HIGHlarious clip!” Like, shut up. How about I don’t? How about you stop writing like that? It’s bothersome.

Along with this obnoxious brand of blogging, the website also puts literally any piece of information out there for people to read as fact. According to Perez, no two celebrities can hang out without being an item. Miley Cyrus, who has been engaged to Liam Hemsworth for some time now, was recently spotted in a car with Ed Westwick. SOUND THE ALARM, that must mean she’s fucking him! Miley herself sent out a series of tweets to Perez letting him know how irresponsible and insulting it is to her and her relationship that he do this. I was so extremely happy that she did this because I get pissed whenever I read any of his headlines about two celebs spotted hanging out. Clearly, they can’t be just friends. Also according to Perez, a celebrity who is in a relationship can’t spend any time alone, otherwise they must be miserable and really sad. Like, really? Someone can’t just go grab lunch by themselves? They have to miss their boyfriend? It’s extremely frustrating to read article after article of this shit.

Another thing that pisses me off about the website is that Perez has decided to not be a bully, yet he’ll be the first person to point out when a celebrity looks like shit, or if it looks like they had work done, or if it looks like they’re pregnant. Like, if they didn’t have work done and they’re not pregnant, you do realize that that is insulting, right Perez? As someone who has never been pregnant but once had a child ask if I was with child because I was wearing an unflattering top, I know how unhappy one can feel after hearing such an accusation. So, Perez, how about instead of just saying that people shouldn’t bully and everyone is beautiful, you stop being an secret dick and just practice what you preach? Also, he recently posted an article about it looking like Miley Cyrus cuts herself. What bothers me is that Perez acts like it’s okay to just throw out accusations like this, not realizing how it will affect the person he writes about. Maybe Miley used to have a problem, but how about we don’t address it if she doesn’t because it’s none of our business? No one is allowed to have any secrets, I guess.

This all just makes me think about how a few years ago, Perez called Will.I.Am a “faggot” because he was mad at him and “wanted to call him the most insulting thing I could think to call him”. So, apparently because Perez is gay, and he knows how horrible it can feel to be called such a word, he has the right or something to use that word to bring down someone else. It just made no sense. Now whenever anyone drops that gay-hating slur, Perez is first to jump on their back. But in that moment, he was fine with doing so, since he knows how negative the term is and how insulting it would be. His hypocrisy overwhelms me.

I’ve been wanting to write this article for a while, but what really got me going on it was an article I read yesterday that Perez posted about Whitney Houston’s daughter, Bobbi Kristina. Apparently, she was caught with her step-brother or foster brother, or whoever he is (I don’t know, but they were engaged at some point, so no matter what, their relationship is weird) smoking a blunt outside, out in the open. While I find it extraordinarily stupid to smoke out in broad daylight, it’s not my business and I do not give a shit if someone is going to smoke weed. Go for it, why should I care? Perez, however, acts as if marijuana is the worst thing to ever happen to the world. In the article, Perez writes “We can’t even begin to imagine what she’s going through right now, but it’s still very sad to see her resorting to this kind of behavior”. Like, excuse me? People smoke weed for tons of reasons, and it’s probably one of the safer routes they can go down. Perez acknowledges this but also assumes that weed is going to lead her to substance abuse because other family members have had substance abuse problems. Yeah, they have, but weed isn’t automatically the gateway to that, whatever anyone says. I’d rather her smoke weed than shoot up heroin. Would you Perez? I feel like Perez would rather her snorting coke and shooting up and then going out and murdering someone, than smoking weed. That is the way he presents marijuana on his website. He lets us know whenever any celebrity is smoking, and as I said, I do not give a shit. Justin Bieber, you want to smoke? Go ahead. Rihanna, keep it up. I don’t fucking care. Please stop reporting it as news.

Also, perezhilton.com posts a lot of links about how amazing Perez is and when he’s on talk shows or working out at the gym. Again, I will say it, I don’t fucking care. No one cares. I go to the website to learn celebrity gossip, not to learn what asinine thing Perez is doing, or to read misleading article headlines that have nothing to do with the content of the article, and not to take everything you say as fact, despite the fact that it’s actually essentially all speculation. You are not God and you are not above anyone else, Perez. Please, stop acting like you are, and go back to being the bitch we once knew and loved.

It’s interesting that I now realize that Perez was bitchier when he was heavier, and then once he lost weight, he decided to “better” himself. I hate when people do shit like that. I lost weight and I stayed a bitch. Just live your life and stay true to yourself, buddy. You’re not fooling anyone.

just some thoughts on improving the world

8 Feb

So, I just read on my favorite love/hate celebrity blog perezhilton.com* that Christina Applegate is leaving the show “Up All Night”. Now, I don’t know much about the show at this present time since I’ve only watched about four episodes in total and they were all from the first season, but I’m wondering what is going to happen with the show since Christina Applegate is one of the three leads and the show is about her and Will Arnett raising a baby. I think why I was never really too drawn to the show has to do with what my friend, Lauren, noticed. She pointed out that Will Arnett is not as appealing when he is playing the straight man. At this point, we are so used to him just playing extreme, ridiculous characters, and playing them to a T that seeing him play the straight man, a guy just trying to raise his baby, who yes, has some funny lines, but isn’t nearly as outrageous as the former character he’s played, does not give us the same feeling of needing to see more.

This post doesn't require images, but here's a picture of Will Arnett I like.

This post doesn’t require images, but here’s a picture of Will Arnett I like.

I was just discussing the news about the show with my brother, Brian, since one of our favorite topics to discuss is the Thursday night comedy lineup on NBC. We were thinking of ways that the show could deal with Christina Applegate’s departure, aside from the obvious idea of canceling the show. Brian suggested that they recast her, because that’s always funny and makes sense. Clearly, they won’t do that, but it could make for some real kooky times to see them try. But then, Brian said that maybe they could kill her character off. This way, Will Arnett’s character would be left to raise the baby alone. I pointed out to him, however, that Will Arnett’s character is not interesting because he isn’t a real character, he’s the straight man. We thought it would be better if it was Gob Bluth from “Arrested Development” instead raising a baby. This got us brainstorming and we came upon the best solution for what the show could do:

“Up All Night” becomes focused on Will Arnett’s character on the show having to deal with the death of his wife, Christina Applegate. In doing so, he slowly turns into Gob, since he doesn’t know how to handle sadness and loss. We learn more about his backstory (I have no idea if the show delves into his backstory, but it doesn’t matter, this is our show now) and we discover that he has two brothers and a sister, who are going to come help him now raise his child. Or, just Buster. Because we’re okay with that. And his mother Lucille can drop in from time to time, just for extra comedic relief. So now, the show DOES turn into Gob Bluth raising a baby on his own, and that just sounds far more exciting and interesting than anything “Up All Night” has ever offered us as an audience. From there, we have to deal with the fact that on “Arrested Development”, it is revealed that Gob does in fact have a child, his estranged son, Steve Holt. On “Up All Night”, his child is female. SO to deal with this, we can say that Gob has such a hard time raising his child that he has to abandon her, and she was left dealing with an identity crisis and transitioned into becoming male. That’s kind of a stretch and also seems pretty politically incorrect, so instead, to appease our new wave fans, we could instead say that Regan (Christina Applegate’s and Will Arnett’s fictional daughter. Didn’t even have to look up her name, I already knew she was named that the whole time) was never biologically a female anyway. They let Regan raise herself as whichever gender she chose, and that way, she could be free to be either more masculine or feminine. Her true sex is never revealed, and while she spent her childhood identifying as more feminine, she ends up embracing her masculine side in her teens. Regan could be considered a pretty gender-neutral name, anway. I know, it’s pretty far-fetched, but we kind of don’t give a shit. Brian didn’t even really come up with this part, this half-brained logic is all mine. I’m so proud of myself. My college education is really going far.

Imagine this guy helping you raise your child. Hilarity ensues!

Imagine this guy helping you raise your child. Hilarity ensues!

So, there it is. That’s how we’re going to save “Up All Night”. I think it’s pretty solid and everyone’s going to take this extremely seriously. I’ll probably be getting phone calls from the executives at NBC any day now asking for me to come write for the show and create new shows along the way that require this much brain power. I’m just so talented. HiT mE uP nBc!!!~*~*~*

I just really miss "Arrested Development". Plus, this picture happened.

I just really miss “Arrested Development”. Plus, this picture happened.

*I called perezhilton.com “my favorite love/hate celebrity gossip blog”, and I feel I need to clarify. I fucking hate Perez Hilton the person and the way everything on that website is reported, but the headlines and general information appeal to me. Trust me, there will be a post one day about my hatred for that website, but today is not the day to post it. Not today, pig. Not today. Patience, Iago.

i won’t rupaulogize for anything i’ve done

30 Jan

So, last night was the fifth season premiere of “RuPaul’s Drag Race”. As everyone in the entire universe is aware, I love this show and I love drag queens. I’ve decided that in honor of this momentous event, I will give you just some of my favorite and least favorite queens from each season. Because this is my blog. And why not? What else do I have to write about? The answer: nothing, I have no life. So here you go!

Season 1:

Queens I love –

Nina Flowers


The only time in the entire competition that Nina Flowers had to lip synch for her life was when she was fighting in the final two for the crown. My perception of drag queens was huge wigs and attempting as much as a man can to look like a woman, but Nina is androgynous, changes up if she wants to look more feminine or more alien-like, and it’s amazing. Also, she has the thickest Spanish accent and is bald and tattooed in real life, it’s hysterical to see the transition from man to queen.

Be-Be Zahara Benet


Bebe won season one of the show, and when I was watching it, I couldn’t decide if I was happy or sad about this, because I really love Nina. But, Bebe was literally the classiest chick I’ve ever seen on a television show in my life. She’s mature, got along with everyone, and she knew exactly what she was doing with her craft.



Ongina is a more androgynous queen, much like Nina. She never wears wigs, only little hats to show off her completely bald head. But she’s girly and flirty and adorable, plus hysterical. Also, in one of the episodes, Ongina revealed she is HIV positive, and I literally began to cry because it was such a beautiful moment.

Tammie Brown


Tammie Brown was unfortunately only in two episodes of both season one of “Drag Race” and also of “All-Stars”. In both seasons, she more or less gave up because she knows that she’s not the competitive type. Tammie is insane and it’s amazing. I have never seen anyone in their own world as much as her. As Vicki Lawrence said, “if I had to pick one of them to just watch walk around for a while, it’s her”. That’s the most accurate statement there is to explain the wonder that is Tammie Brown. Oh, except that once JuJuBee said, “I love the little thing she does, the little lip…oh girl, makes me queef”, which speaks both to Tammie’s and JuJu’s characters.

Queens I hate –

Rebecca Glasscock


I think that Rebecca Glasscock is the most unpolished and non-drag queen queen to ever appear on the show. She just dressed like an every day girl and had no theatrical tricks to impress anyone with. How she made it to third place is beyond me, she really just coasted her way to the finale.



My problem with Shannel is this: she’s really astounding at the type of drag she does (Vegas show girl), it’s just that she’s annoying as fuck. She doesn’t stop talking about herself and it’s insane, because it’s not being done in a funny way. Also, she decided to essentially quit the show because the judges didn’t tell her she was pretty enough. That’s literally the reason she gave. Like, no thanks.



Akashia was annoying as fuck. She was just loud and obnoxious and not friendly, and that really took away from whatever sense of humor she may have had. It’s so sad that a bad personality can really kill a queen’s talent.

Season 2:

Queens I love –



Raven’s pretty much perfect. She’s hysterical, dramatic, knows how to dress and style herself. She’s a slut and she loves it. That makes me love her more. Just look at that picture. She’s sexy and she knows it, she oozes sex and she sells it. She was runner up on both season two and “All Stars”, although she definitely should have won season two.



JuJuBee is tied with Raven as my favorite queen from season two. She’s just a gorgeous Asian woman. I love it. Also, her man name is “Airline”. That in itself is astounding. There’s no way she can be anything less than perfect. She’s another queen who’s more than just looks, she’s also ridiculously funny. She probably has the best reaction time out of all the queens and always knows exactly what comeback to say to the judges or anyone else. I love it.

Sahara Davenport


Sahara Davenport unfortunately passed away in 2012. She may not have been the funniest queen, but she was beautiful and you could tell from watching that she was genuinely an amazing person. She was so sweet and also a professional dancer. She did ballet during more than one “lip synch for your life” and was so gorgeous while doing it.

Pandora Boxx


Pandora is a real campy queen. I could picture her and Tammie Brown being friends. I was on the fence about her until I saw her impression of Carol Channing during “Snatch Game” and she completely won me over. She was so so funny and although the judges questioned her taste-level and style, I could tell she knows what she’s doing.

Queens I hate –

Tyra Sanchez


Tyra unfortunately won season two of “Drag Race” for reasons really unknown to me. I didn’t think there was necessarily anything special about her, I didn’t find her funny or like it seemed like she had a good personality, and I didn’t think her style was as Earth-shattering and wowing as the judges did. She is just not my kind of queen. Also, she was a bitch and I just got real sick of her real fast and I don’t get why she was never called out on the way she did her make up. I was not a fan of it. Plus, she’s extremely monotone and I’m not 100% sure she actually has emotions.



Shangela was eliminated after the first episode of season two, and I don’t even fully understand how she got onto the show to begin with that season. She’d only been doing drag for like five months, and while she was funny while in character, out of character she was annoying as fuck.



Tatianna was just extremely annoying. Her voice was nasally as fuck and she made it to the top four, even though I feel her talent should not have carried her so far. She was just a pretty girl, reminiscent of Rebecca Glasscock. Tatianna had a personality, however, as opposed to Rebecca, but it was a personality that I did  not care to spend so much time with. She also said “thank you” really obnoxiously all the time and that got old fast.

Season 3:

Queens I love –



Raja is incredible. She won season three and was also the make up artist on “America’s Next Top Model” for like six years. I love mentioning that because I remember her from the show, both in and out of drag, because she appeared both ways. Her and Raven are very similar to me, but they’re still two distinct personalities. Raja is a “runway queen”. If Tyra had allowed queens on “Top Model”, she would have won, because her walk was better than half of the girls’ who ever competed on that show. She’s also beautiful and artistic and couture and that’s just all so wonderful to me.

Manila Luzon


Manila was actually dating Sahara Davenport (and had been for years), and her and Raja were like besties on their season, so that makes me love her more. Some of the other queens thought Manila was annoying, but I thought she was pretty damned funny and also gorgeous. Another beautiful Asian woman. She has such an insane sense of style and wore a dress that looked like Big Bird once, which just makes me happy.

Yara Sofia


Yara Sofia is very funny and also pretty hard to understand due to her thick Spanish accent. However, she’s also breathtakingly pretty and damned good at drag. I don’t really have much more to say about her, I just think she’s pretty.

Queens I hate –

Shangela (again, worse this time around)

22nd Annual GLAAD Media Awards Presented by ROKK Vodka in Los Angeles - Inside

Yeah, look who’s back. Shangela for some sick and twisted reason was allowed back for season three of the show and made it to like fifth place or some shit. Her drag had gotten better, but she was still as annoying as ever. Actually, she was more annoying because we had to deal with her on the show for so long. She was just a loud-mouth and needed to stop talking.

Mimi Imfurst


Look at that picture. That alone will make you hate someone. Mimi is just a campy queen but to an extreme. She’s not endearing, she’s too over the top and desperate for attention. She also physically lifted another queen over her shoulder during a “lip synch for your life” and then was eliminated. Bad form.

Carmen Carrera


This is going to sound very rude, but I mostly hate Carmen because she seems really stupid. Like, when she spoke, it sounded like she didn’t have an intellectual thought in her head. She was constantly walking around naked and never really displayed any talent at doing drag. She was just there to look good and show off her ass. I was over her the minute she stepped on the runway.



Okay, so Phoenix is another queen I dislike because of the way she sounds. Like Carmen, she sounds stupid, but also, her voice was just annoying as fuck. I have no place in my life for people who sound that stupid. Luckily, she was eliminated after like two episodes, so I didn’t have to listen to her drone on for too long.

Season 4:

Queens I love –

Chad Michaels


I have said it before and I will say it again: Chad Michaels is flawless. She brings an old school style drag, but can also sex it up with the best of them. She refers to herself as a “drag cougar” and you can tell she means it. Also, Chad just makes more sense as a woman than a man, and I think that’s a real telling sign of how affective a drag queen is. She’s seriously the entire package: she has the look, she does spot-on impressions (Cher, Bette Davis), and she’s hysterical. She deserved to win “All Stars”.

Sharon Needles


I wanted Chad to win season four, but Sharon Needles was my second choice to win, so I wasn’t angry when she did. I had never seen her type of drag before watching the show, so it was a real treat to not only watch all season, but to also see win over the more traditional types of queens we’ve come to know and love. Sharon has an insanely great sense of humor and was also involved in her fair share of drama, which always makes for great tv.



Willam is the reason why I started actually caring about “Drag Race”. I wanted to know why she was eliminated, why she threw up on stage, and how the hell she was a man when she looks so feminine. More feminine than I do, really. Like, her body is insane.


I’m giving two pictures of Willam because of how insane her body is. Like, THAT’S A MAN. My stomach will NEVER look like that. It’s completely unfair. She’s a bitchy queen, but she’s in on the joke, which makes her hysterical. Other queens are just dramatic, but Willam purposely got in on the drama and then made fun of it. Also, after she won a challenge, she said, “it feels correct to win”. I am in love with that sentence.

Latrice Royale


Large and in charge, chunky yet funky, she is Latrice Royale. Season four was filled with huge personalities, and many of them were really really funny. Latrice is one of the queens who embodies both of those qualities. She won “Miss Congeniality” which makes sense because she is amazing. As Sharon once said while Latrice was lip synching, “Latrice is taking me to church”. Watching Latrice was most definitely a religious experience.

Queens I hate –

Phi Phi O’Hara


Phi Phi may have been one of the most annoying and easily hate-able queens to ever appear on the show. She was an absolute bitch, but unlike Willam, I don’t think she was aware of what an asshole she is. She plotted against the other girls to get them sent home, which has happened before, but it just seemed more devious and evil when she was doing it. She was beautiful, yes, but that personality, that was just terrible.

Jiggly Caliente


I don’t think that Jiggly could have been more annoying if she tried. She literally whined the entire show. I don’t think she said one thing that wasn’t in the form of her whining. She was funny, yes, but I never remember that about her. All I remember is her complaining. She also had like, no self-confidence, so I don’t fully understand what she’s doing in this business. Also, her as a man really confuses me. So there’s that, too.

Lashauwn Beyond


LaShauwn is another one of those queens that I don’t even really know anything about, but her voice made me want to punch someone. She, like Carmen, just sounded stupid. Like I think she just has air in her brain. But, like Phoenix, her voice was really difficult for me to listen to. She was gone after two episodes and that was fine with me.

I’m actually pretty blessed that no one reads this blog because I seriously doubt anyone gives a shit about my thoughts on drag queens. This post was also so long, so to whoever out there didn’t read it, I thank you. Now, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else if you can’t even love yourself? Can I get an “amen”?
