Archive | June, 2013

“their adventure is just beginning” just happened to be uttered on a commercial that’s playing

14 Jun

I am currently sitting on my bed, surrounded by a pile of clothes. I’ve decided to allow myself six more minutes before removing said clothes from my bed and placing them in plastic bags. Yes, friends, the time has come. I am moving to New York, officially on Saturday, but my apartment is already there waiting for me with open arms and smiles to enter. I am procrastinating like a mother fucker at this current moment, so I decided “why not”? Hilary Duff had said it so well so many years before me, and so I had to say it now, to apply it to this moment in time. Why not blog for a hot second cause I haven’t written this shit in like a month? For that I am sorry. Life is busy and life is hard and life was taken up by a lot of job hunting and life hunting. I have secured a job (kind of two jobs) and also that apartment, so my life is steadily coming to order. I am rambling on like a psychopath right now because guess what? I am going criminally insane. And when I am going criminally insane, as it happens a few times a month, I just need to ramble and get some thoughts out. So I am going to impose those thoughts on poor, defenseless individuals on the internet because all should fear my wrath.

My leg is asleep. This is uncomfortable. Four minutes, then back to packing. Procrastination will some day be the death of me, of this I am sure. I’ve eaten six slices of pizza today and an uncountable amount of ice cream. I am not feeling so well. But so is life, eh? I suppose this will do, I should probably stop typing.

One more thing, my horoscopes have been very positive lately, one of them claims I will have good fortune for 13 months. That’s the kind of news I like to hear. New York, we should be having a good time very very soon. Be ready for me. And be ready for the thunder.

I want my life to some day be all about this tweet.

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